$(document).ready(function() { $('#advanced_slider_887').advancedSlider({ skin:'faded-arrows', scrollbarSkin:'scrollbar-7-dark', width:668, height:265, slideshow:true, slideshowDelay:5004, slideshowControls:false, slidesPreloaded:3, shuffle:false, shadow:false, effectType:'fade',slicePoint:'rightCenter',slideStartPosition:'right',captionShowEffect:'fade',sliceDelay:50,sliceDuration:1000,horizontalSlices:1,verticalSlices:1,slideStartRatio:1,captionPosition:'bottom',sliceFade:true, slideMask:false, slideProperties:{ }, timerAnimation:false, timerFadeDuration:500, pauseSlideshowOnHover:false, fadeTimer:false, timerRadius:18, timerStrokeColor1:'#000000', timerStrokeColor2:'#FFFFFF', timerStrokeOpacity1:0.5, timerStrokeOpacity2:0.7, timerStrokeWidth1:8, timerStrokeWidth2:4, navigationArrows:true, fadeNavigationArrows:false, navigationArrowsShowDuration:500, navigationArrowsHideDuration:500, navigationButtons:false, navigationButtonsNumbers:false, fadeNavigationButtons:false, navigationButtonsShowDuration:500, navigationButtonsHideDuration:500, navigationButtonsCenter:true, navigationButtonsContainerCenter:true, thumbnailsType:'no', thumbnailWidth:80, thumbnailHeight:50, thumbnailSlideAmount:10, thumbnailSlideDuration:300, thumbnailSlideEasing:'swing', fadeNavigationThumbnails:false, navigationThumbnailsCenter:true, thumbnailScrollDuration:1000, thumbnailScrollEasing:'swing', visibleThumbnails:5, thumbnailOrientation:'horizontal', thumbnailTooltip:false, tooltipShowDuration:300, tooltipHideDuration:300, thumbnailCaptionPosition:'bottom', hideThumbnailCaption:true, thumbnailCaptionEffect:'slide', thumbnailCaptionShowDuration:500, thumbnailCaptionHideDuration:500, thumbnailCaptionEasing:'swing', thumbnailScrollbar:false, thumbnailButtons:false, thumbnailArrows:true, fadeThumbnailButtons:false, fadeThumbnailArrows:false, fadeThumbnailScrollbar:false, scrollbarArrowScrollAmount:100, navigationThumbnailsHideDuration:500, navigationThumbnailsShowDuration:500, thumbnailArrowsHideDuration:500, thumbnailArrowsShowDuration:500, thumbnailButtonsHideDuration:500, thumbnailButtonsShowDuration:500, thumbnailScrollbarHideDuration:500, thumbnailScrollbarShowDuration:500, thumbnailSync:false, thumbnailMouseScroll:false, thumbnailMouseScrollEase:90, thumbnailMouseScrollSpeed:10, thumbnailMouseWheel:false, thumbnailMouseWheelSpeed:20, thumbnailMouseWheelReverse:false, thumbnailScrollbarEase:10, hideCaption:false, captionSize:70, captionBackgroundOpacity:0.5, captionBackgroundColor:'#000000', captionShowEffect:'slide', captionShowEffectDuration:500, captionShowEffectEasing:'swing', captionShowSlideDirection:'auto', captionHideEffect:'fade', captionHideEffectDuration:300, captionHideEffectEasing:'swing', captionHideSlideDirection:'auto', captionPosition:'bottom', captionLeft:50, captionTop:50, captionWidth:300, captionHeight:100, slideProperties:null, slideMask:false, linkTarget:'_blank', slideOpen:null, slideClick:null, slideMouseOver:null, slideMouseOut:null, transitionStart:null, transitionComplete:null }); }); /* Advanced Slider //package actually uses advanced_slider/additional_js/jquery.advancedSlider.js //this script is called instead of advanced_slider/js/jquery.advancedSlider.js */ (function($) { function AdvancedSlider(instance, options) { // reference to the main DIV that contains the slider var slider = $(instance), // reference to the current object self = this, // index of the current slide currentIndex = -1, // index of the previous slide previousIndex = -1, // array of objects, each object containing data(path, thumbnail, caption etc.) about the slide slides = [], // indicates whether XML is used useXML, // reference to the DIV element of the current slide currentSlideDiv = null, // reference to the DIV element of the previous slide previousSlideDiv = null, // indicates whether the slider is in the transition phase isTransition = false, // indicates if the mouse is over the slider isHover = false, // indicates whether the lightbox is currently displayed isLightbox = false, // indicates whether a caption exists for the current slide isCaption = false, // will be used as the timer for the slideshow mode slideshowTimer = 0, // will be used for the timer animation timerAnimationTimer = 0, // the thumbnail page that is currently selected currentThumbnailPage = 0, // total number of thumbnail pages totalThumbnailPages = 0, // indicated whether the slideshow is playing or is paused slideshowState = '', // indicates for how much time has the slideshow been running slideshowTimerPosition = 0, // indicates what was the time when the slideshow has started slideshowStartTime = 0, // reference to the timer used for mouse scrolling thumbnailMouseScrollTimer, // reference to the timer used for mouse wheel scrolling thumbnailMouseWheelTimer, // indicates whether the carousel is currently scrolled using the mouse wheel method isThumbnailMouseWheelScrolling = false, // reference to the timer used for scrollbar scrolling thumbnailScrollbarTimer, // indicates whether the scrollbar's thumb is being dragged isThumbnailScrollbarDragging = false, // indicates whether the scrollbar is currently moving isThumbnailScrollbarMoving = false, // indicates the horizotal position of the mouse pointer mouseX, // indicates the vertical position of the mouse pointer mouseY, // the total width/height of the thumbnails thumbnailsTotalSize, // reference to the main container, which contains the thumbnails, the arrows, buttons, scrollbar etc. navigationThumbnails, // reference to the container which masks the actual thumbnails thumbnailsVisibleContainer, // reference to the container which contains the thumbnails thumbnailsContainer, // arrays that will hold the content specified for the prettyPhoto prettyPhotoContent = [], prettyPhotoTitle = [], prettyPhotoDescription = [], // will wrap the slide slideWrapper, // these properties can be assign to individual slides in the XML file slideProps = ['htmlDuringTransition', 'alignType', 'effectType', 'sliceDelay', 'sliceDuration', 'sliceEasing', 'horizontalSlices', 'verticalSlices', 'slicePattern', 'slicePoint', 'slideStartPosition', 'slideStartRatio', 'sliceFade', 'captionSize', 'captionPosition', 'captionShowEffectDuration', 'captionShowEffectEasing', 'captionHideEffectDuration', 'captionHideEffectEasing', 'captionShowEffect', 'captionHideEffect', 'captionLeft', 'captionTop', 'captionWidth', 'captionHeight', 'captionShowSlideDirection', 'captionHideSlideDirection', 'captionBackgroundColor', 'captionBackgroundOpacity', 'slideshowDelay', 'slideMask', 'linkTarget', 'simpleSlideDirection', 'simpleSlideDuration', 'simpleSlideEasing', 'lightboxDefaultWidth', 'lightboxDefaultHeight', 'lightboxTheme', 'lightboxOpacity', 'fadePreviousSlide', 'fadePreviousSlideDuration']; // contains all the settings for the slider this.settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.advancedSlider.defaults, options); // START init(); /** * Initializes the slider */ function init() { // delete the content of the selected DIV and initialize it if (self.settings.xmlSource) { useXML = true; // delete the previous content of the selected DIV slider.empty(); //parse the XML file $.ajax({type:'GET', url:self.settings.xmlSource, dataType: $.browser.msie ? 'text' : 'xml', success:function(data) { var xml; if ($.browser.msie) { xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); xml.async = false; xml.loadXML(data); } else { xml = data; } // find all the nodes $(xml).find('slide').each(function() { // will contain data such as path, thumbnail, caption or link var slide = {}; // will contain data such as effectType, sliceDelay, sliceDuration etc. slide.properties = {}; // reads all the tags that were specified for a slide in the XML file for (var i = 0; i < $(this).children().length; i++) { var node = $(this).children()[i]; if (node.nodeName == 'lightboxContent') { prettyPhotoContent.push($(this).find('lightboxContent').text()) prettyPhotoTitle.push($(this).find('lightboxTitle').text() || ''); prettyPhotoDescription.push($(this).find('lightboxDescription').text() || ''); slide.lightbox = {lightbox_index: prettyPhotoContent.length - 1}; } if (node.nodeName != 'lightboxContent' && node.nodeName != 'lightboxTitle' && node.nodeName != 'lightboxDescription') slide[node.nodeName] = $(this).find(node.nodeName).text(); } // reads all the attributes that were specified for a slide in the XML file for (var i = 0; i < slideProps.length; i++) { var name = slideProps[i], value = $(this).attr(name); // if a property was not specified in the XML file, take the default value if (value == undefined) slide.properties[name] = self.settings[name]; else slide.properties[name] = value; } slides.push(slide); }); create(); }}); } else { // if an XML file was not specified, read the content of the selected div slider.children().each(function(index) { // will contain data such as path, thumbnail, caption, or link var slide = {}; // will contain data such as effectType, sliceDelay, sliceDuration etc. slide.properties = {}; // loops through all the sub-children of child for (var i = 0; i < $(this).children().length; i++) { var data = $(this).children()[i]; // check whether the current sub-child is an image, a thumbnail, a link, or a paragraph, and copy the data if($(data).is('a')) { if (!$(data).hasClass('lightbox')) { slide['path'] = $(data).find('img').attr('src'); slide['link'] = $(data).attr('href'); if ($(data).attr('target')) slide.properties.linkTarget = $(data).attr('target'); } else { prettyPhotoContent.push($(data).attr('href')) prettyPhotoTitle.push($(data).html() || ''); prettyPhotoDescription.push($(data).attr('title') || ''); slide.lightbox = {lightbox_index: prettyPhotoContent.length - 1}; } } else if($(data).is('img')) { if ($(data).hasClass('thumbnail')) { slide['thumbnail'] = $(data).attr('src'); if ($(data).attr('title')) slide['thumbnailCaption'] = $(data).attr('title'); } else slide['path'] = $(data).attr('src'); } else if ($(data).hasClass('html')){ slide['html'] = $(data); } else { slide[$(data).attr('class')] = $(data).html(); } } // reads all the settings that were specified for each slide for (var i = 0; i < slideProps.length; i++) { var name = slideProps[i], value; if (self.settings.slideProperties) if (self.settings.slideProperties[index]) value = self.settings.slideProperties[index][name]; // if a property was not specified for the slide, take the default value if (!slide.properties[name]) if (value == undefined) slide.properties[name] = self.settings[name]; else slide.properties[name] = value; } //console.log(index) slides.push(slide); // delete the current content of the selected div and create the slider slider.empty(); create(); }); } } /** * Creates all the assets, preloads the slides and opens the first slide */ function create() { slider.addClass('advanced-slider'); slider.addClass(self.settings.skin); if ($.browser.mozilla) slider.addClass('mozilla'); else if ($.browser.webkit) slider.addClass('webkit'); else if ($.browser.opera) slider.addClass('opera'); else if ($.browser.msie) if (parseInt($.browser.version) == 6) slider.addClass('ie6'); else if (parseInt($.browser.version) == 7) slider.addClass('ie7'); else if (parseInt($.browser.version) == 8) slider.addClass('ie8'); else if (parseInt($.browser.version) == 9) slider.addClass('ie9'); slideWrapper = $('
').appendTo(slider) .css({width: self.settings.width, height: self.settings.height}) .hover(function() { // show the timer animation on mouse over if (self.settings.timerAnimation && self.settings.fadeTimer && slideshowState != 'stop' && !isTransition) { var timerCanvas = slider.find('.timer-animation'); if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) timerCanvas.css('filter', ''); else timerCanvas.stop().animate({'opacity':1}, self.settings.timerFadeDuration); } isHover = true; // pause the slideshow on mouse over if (self.settings.slideshow && self.settings.pauseSlideshowOnHover && slideshowState != 'stop' && !isTransition) pauseSlideshow(); // show the caption on mouse over if (isCaption && self.settings.hideCaption) showCaption(); // show the navigation arrows on mouse over if (self.settings.navigationArrows && self.settings.fadeNavigationArrows) if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) slider.find('.navigation-arrows a').stop().show(); else slider.find('.navigation-arrows a').stop().animate({opacity:1}, self.settings.navigationArrowsShowDuration); // show the slideshow button on mouse over if (self.settings.slideshowControls && self.settings.fadeSlideshowControls) if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) slider.find('.slideshow-controls').stop().show(); else slider.find('.slideshow-controls').stop().animate({opacity:1}, self.settings.slideshowControlsShowDuration); }, function() { // hide the timer animation on mouse out if (self.settings.timerAnimation && self.settings.fadeTimer && slideshowState != 'stop' && !isTransition) { var timerCanvas = slider.find('.timer-animation'); if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) timerCanvas.css('opacity', 0); else timerCanvas.stop().animate({'opacity':0}, self.settings.timerFadeDuration); } isHover = false; // resume the slideshow on mouse out if (self.settings.slideshow && self.settings.pauseSlideshowOnHover && slideshowState != 'stop' && !isTransition && !isLightbox) resumeSlideshow(); // hide the caption on mouse out if (isCaption && self.settings.hideCaption) hideCaption(); // hide the navigation arrows on mouse out if (self.settings.navigationArrows && self.settings.fadeNavigationArrows) if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) slider.find('.navigation-arrows a').stop().hide(); else slider.find('.navigation-arrows a').stop().animate({opacity:0}, self.settings.navigationArrowsHideDuration); // hide the slideshow button on mouse out if (self.settings.slideshowControls && self.settings.fadeSlideshowControls) if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) slider.find('.slideshow-controls').stop().hide(); else slider.find('.slideshow-controls').stop().animate({opacity:0}, self.settings.slideshowControlsHideDuration); }); // set the initial size of the slider to the size of the slide container // this size will increase if other elements, like buttons, thumbnails are added slider.css({'width': slideWrapper.outerWidth(true), 'height': slideWrapper.outerHeight(true)}); if (self.settings.shuffle) slides.sort(function(){return 0.5 - Math.random()}); if (self.settings.lightbox) { // initialize prettyPhoto $.fn.prettyPhoto({default_width: self.settings.lightboxDefaultWidth, default_height: self.settings.lightboxDefaultHeight, theme: self.settings.lightboxTheme, opacity: self.settings.lightboxOpacity, horizontal_padding: self.settings.lightboxHorizontalPadding, overlay_gallery: false, callback:function() { isLightbox = false; if (self.settings.slideshow && slideshowState != 'stop') resumeSlideshow(); }}); } if (self.settings.navigationArrows) createNavigationArrows(); if (self.settings.navigationButtons) createNavigationButtons(); if (self.settings.shadow) createShadow(); if (self.settings.thumbnailsType == 'navigation') createNavigationThumbnails(); if (self.settings.slideshowControls) createSlideshowControls(); self.settings.slidesPreloaded = false; if (self.settings.slidesPreloaded) { //ignore this section showPreloader(); // contains the number of slides that were preloaded var counter = 0, // the number of slides that need to be preloaded // if -1 was specified, all the slides will be preloaded n = self.settings.slidesPreloaded == -1 ? slides.length : self.settings.slidesPreloaded; // load the images for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { $('').load(function() { counter++; if (counter == n) { hidePreloader(); gotoSlide(self.settings.slideStart); } }) .error(function() { counter++; }) .attr('src', slides[i].path); } } else { $('.advanced-slider').show(); gotoSlide(self.settings.slideStart); } } /** * Creates the left and right arrows */ function createNavigationArrows() { navigationArrows = $('').appendTo(slideWrapper), previousArrow = $('').appendTo(navigationArrows) .click(function() { previousSlide(); }), nextArrow = $('').appendTo(navigationArrows) .click(function() { nextSlide(); }); if (self.settings.fadeNavigationArrows) { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) { previousArrow.hide(); nextArrow.hide(); } else { previousArrow.css('opacity', 0); nextArrow.css('opacity', 0); } } } /** * Creates the slideshow control (play and pause) buttons */ function createSlideshowControls() { var slideshowControls = $('
').appendTo(slideWrapper), currentClass = self.settings.slideshow ? 'pause': 'play'; slideshowControls.addClass(currentClass) .click(function() { if ($(this).hasClass('pause')) { $(this).removeClass('pause').addClass('play'); slideshowState = 'stop'; stopSlideshow(); } else if ($(this).hasClass('play')) { //set the slideshow property to true if it was not previously set if (!self.settings.slideshow) self.settings.slideshow = true; $(this).removeClass('play').addClass('pause'); slideshowState = 'play'; startSlideshow(); } }); if (self.settings.fadeSlideshowControls) if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) slideshowControls.hide(); else slideshowControls.css('opacity', 0); } /** * Automatically creates the navigation buttons based on how many slides are in the slideshow */ function createNavigationButtons() { var numButtons = slides.length, container = $('').appendTo(slideWrapper), containerLeft = $('
').appendTo(container), containerMiddle = $('
').appendTo(container), containerRight = $('
').appendTo(container), navigationButtons = $('
').appendTo(containerMiddle); for (var i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { var button = $('').appendTo(navigationButtons); if (self.settings.navigationButtonsNumbers) { var number = $('
' + (i + 1) + '
').appendTo(button); } button.hover(function() { var index = $(this).attr('rel'); if (!$(this).hasClass('select')) $(this).addClass('over'); //if (self.settings.thumbnailsType == 'tooltip') if (self.settings.thumbnailsType == 'yes') showThumbnail(index); }, function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('select')) $(this).removeClass('over'); //if (self.settings.thumbnailsType == 'tooltip') if (self.settings.thumbnailsType == 'yes') hideThumbnail(); }); button.click(function() { gotoSlide(parseInt($(this).attr('rel'))); }); } // if true, the buttons container will be horizontally positioned in the middle of the slide // if false, the container will be posistioned based on the value of the 'left' property specified in the CSS if (self.settings.navigationButtonsContainerCenter) { var leftPos = (slideWrapper.innerWidth() - container.outerWidth(true)) / 2; container.css('left', leftPos); } // if true, the buttons will be horizontally positioned in the middle of the container // if false, the buttons will be posistioned based on the value of the 'left' property specified in the CSS if (self.settings.navigationButtonsCenter) { var leftPos = (containerMiddle.outerWidth(true) - navigationButtons.outerWidth(true)) / 2; navigationButtons.css('left', leftPos); } // reset the size of the slider var buttonsPosition = parseInt(container.css('top')) + container.outerHeight(true), extraHeight = slider.outerHeight() < buttonsPosition ? buttonsPosition - slider.outerHeight() : 0; slider.css('height', slider.outerHeight() + extraHeight); if (self.settings.fadeNavigationButtons) { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) container.hide(); else container.css('opacity', 0); slider.hover(function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) container.show(); else container.stop().animate({'opacity': 1}, self.settings.navigationButtonsShowDuration); }, function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) container.hide(); else container.stop().animate({'opacity': 0}, self.settings.navigationButtonsHideDuration); }); } } /** * Creates the shadow */ function createShadow() { var shadow = $('
').appendTo(slider), shadowLeft = $('
').appendTo(shadow), shadowMiddle = $('
').appendTo(shadow), shadowRight = $('
').appendTo(shadow); shadow.css({'width': slideWrapper.outerWidth(), 'top': slideWrapper.outerHeight()}); var middleWidth = shadow.outerWidth() - shadowLeft.outerWidth() - shadowRight.outerWidth(); shadowMiddle.css('width', middleWidth); // reset the size of the slider var shadowPosition = parseInt(shadow.css('top')) + shadow.outerHeight() + parseInt(shadow.css('margin-top')), extraHeight = slider.outerHeight() < shadowPosition ? shadowPosition - slider.outerHeight() : 0; slider.css('height', slider.outerHeight() + extraHeight); } /** * Shows the thumbnail for the specified index */ function showThumbnail(index) { // check if a thumbnail image was specified if (!slides[index].thumbnail) return; // holds a reference to the navigation button that is rolled over var button = slideWrapper.find('.navigation-buttons a').eq(index), // the path to the thumbnail image thumbnailPath = slides[index].thumbnail, thumbnail = $('
').css({'width':self.settings.thumbnailWidth, 'height':self.settings.thumbnailHeight}) .appendTo(slider.find('.navigation-buttons .buttons')), // calculate the position of the thumbnail image //leftPos = parseInt(button.position().left) - (parseInt(thumbnail.outerWidth(true)) - parseInt(button.css('width'))) / 2, topPos = parseInt(button.position().top) - (parseInt(thumbnail.outerHeight(true))); //alert(index); if (index == slides.length - 1) { //if last thumbnail, then position from the rightside leftPos = parseInt(button.position().left) - (parseInt(thumbnail.outerWidth(true)) - parseInt(button.css('width'))) + 2; } else { leftPos = parseInt(button.position().left) - (parseInt(thumbnail.outerWidth(true)) - parseInt(button.css('width'))) / 2; } thumbnail.css({'left':leftPos, 'top':topPos - self.settings.thumbnailSlideAmount, 'opacity':0}); // load the image using the tag and when it's completely assign it as a background to the thumbnail DIV $('').load(function() { thumbnail.css('background-image','url('+ thumbnailPath +')'); }) .attr('src', thumbnailPath); thumbnail.animate({'top':topPos, 'opacity':1}, self.settings.thumbnailSlideDuration, self.settings.thumbnailSlideEasing); // add caption to the thumbnail if (slides[index].thumbnailCaption) { var thumbnailCaption = $('
').appendTo(thumbnail), thumbnailCaptionBackground = $('
').appendTo(thumbnailCaption), thumbnailCaptionContent = $('
' + slides[index].thumbnailCaption + '
').appendTo(thumbnailCaption); thumbnailCaption.css('height', thumbnailCaptionContent.outerHeight(true)); // set the initial position of the caption if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionPosition == 'top') thumbnailCaption.css({'top': 0}); else thumbnailCaption.css({'bottom': 0}); } } /** * Hides the visible thumbnail */ function hideThumbnail() { // check if there is a visible thumbnail var thumbnail = slider.find('.navigation-buttons .thumbnail'); if (!thumbnail) return; thumbnail.animate({'top':parseInt(thumbnail.css('top')) - self.settings.thumbnailSlideAmount, 'opacity':0}, self.settings.thumbnailSlideDuration, self.settings.thumbnailSlideEasing, function(){thumbnail.remove();}) } /** * Opens the slide with the specified index */ function gotoSlide(index) { // if the slider is already in the transition phase if (isTransition) { if (self.settings.overrideTransition) { stopSlideshow(); endTransition(); } else { return; } } // if the slideshow mode is on, stop the slideshow timer if (self.settings.slideshow) stopSlideshow(); // remove the caption if (isCaption) removeCaption(); isTransition = true; previousIndex = currentIndex; currentIndex = index; // an object that contains all the data for the current slide var slideData = slides[currentIndex]; // first load the image using the tag and when it is completely loaded, start the transition if (slideData.path) { showPreloader(); $('').load(function() { slideData.width = $(this).attr('width') || $(this).prop('width'); slideData.height = $(this).attr('height') || $(this).prop('height'); hidePreloader(); startTransition(); }) .error(function() { hidePreloader(); isTransition = false; if (currentIndex > previousIndex) nextSlide(); else previousSlide(); }) .attr('src', slideData.path); } else { slideData.width = self.settings.width; slideData.height = self.settings.height; startTransition(); } if (self.settings.navigationButtons) { // highlight the button that corresponds to the current slide // and remove the highlight from the previously selected button var navigationButtons = slider.find('.navigation-buttons'); navigationButtons.find('.select').removeClass('select'); navigationButtons.find('a').eq(index).attr('class', 'select'); } if (self.settings.thumbnailsType == 'navigation') { // highlight the thumbnail that corresponds to the current slide // and remove the highlight from the previously selected thumbnail navigationThumbnails.find('.thumbnail.select').removeClass('select'); navigationThumbnails.find('a').eq(index).removeClass('over').addClass('select'); if (self.settings.thumbnailSync) { var thumbnailPage = Math.floor(index / self.settings.visibleThumbnails); if (thumbnailPage != currentThumbnailPage) scrollToThumbnailPage(thumbnailPage); } } // fire the 'slideOpen' event var eventObject = {type: 'slideOpen', index:currentIndex, data:slides[currentIndex]}; $.isFunction(self.settings.slideOpen) && self.settings.slideOpen.call(this, eventObject); } /** * Opens the next slide */ function nextSlide() { var index = (currentIndex == slides.length - 1) ? 0 : (currentIndex + 1); gotoSlide(index); } /** * Opens the previous slide */ function previousSlide() { var index = currentIndex == 0 ? (slides.length - 1) : (currentIndex - 1); gotoSlide(index); } /** * Shows the main preloader */ function showPreloader() { var preloader = $('
').hide() .appendTo(slider), // calculate the preloader's position preloaderLeft = ((slideWrapper.outerWidth(true) -preloader.outerWidth(true)) * 0.5), preloaderTop = ((slideWrapper.outerHeight(true) - preloader.outerHeight(true)) * 0.5); preloader.delay(100).fadeIn(300); preloader.css({'left':preloaderLeft, 'top':preloaderTop}); } /** * Hides the main preloader */ function hidePreloader() { slider.find('.preloader').stop().remove(); } /** * Starts the transition */ function startTransition() { // get all the data of the new slide var slideData = slides[currentIndex], properties = slideData.properties, alignType = properties.alignType, htmlDuringTransition = properties.htmlDuringTransition, horizontalSlices = parseInt(properties.horizontalSlices), verticalSlices = parseInt(properties.verticalSlices), slicePattern = properties.slicePattern, effectType = properties.effectType, slicePoint = properties.slicePoint, slideStartPosition = properties.slideStartPosition, slideStartRatio = parseFloat(properties.slideStartRatio), sliceDuration = parseInt(properties.sliceDuration), sliceEasing = properties.sliceEasing, sliceDelay = parseInt(properties.sliceDelay), sliceFade = (properties.sliceFade == true || effectType == 'fade') ? 0 : 1, simpleSlideDirection = properties.simpleSlideDirection, simpleSlideDuration = properties.simpleSlideDuration, simpleSlideEasing = properties.simpleSlideEasing; fadePreviousSlide = properties.fadePreviousSlide; fadePreviousSlideDuration = properties.fadePreviousSlideDuration; // destroy all running animations if (currentSlideDiv && effectType == 'simpleSlide') if(currentSlideDiv.is(':animated')) { currentSlideDiv.appendTo(slideWrapper); currentSlideDiv.stop().css({'top':0, 'left':0}); slideWrapper.find('.simple-slide-container').remove(); } // checks if there is currently a slide // this will be false only when the first slide is opened if (previousIndex != -1) { // set the previous slide at a lower z-index postion var zIndex = slider.find('.slide').css('z-index'); previousSlideDiv = slider.find('.slide').css('z-index', zIndex - 1); var previousWidth = slides[previousIndex].width, previousHeight = slides[previousIndex].height, currentWidth = slideData.width, currentHeight = slideData.height; // if the old slide has a bigger size than the new one, fade out the old slide if (effectType != "simpleSlide" && ((fadePreviousSlide == true) || (currentWidth < self.settings.width && currentWidth < previousWidth) || (currentHeight < self.settings.height && currentHeight < previousHeight))) { previousSlideDiv.fadeOut(fadePreviousSlideDuration); } } // create the new slide DIV currentSlideDiv = $('
').appendTo(slideWrapper); // show/hide the arrows, the slideshow buttons and the timer animation on hover // fire the events currentSlideDiv.hover(function() { var eventObject = {type: 'slideMouseOver', index:currentIndex, data:slideData}; $.isFunction(self.settings.slideMouseOver) && self.settings.slideMouseOver.call(this, eventObject); }, function() { var eventObject = {type: 'slideMouseOut', index:currentIndex, data:slideData}; $.isFunction(self.settings.slideMouseOut) && self.settings.slideMouseOut.call(this, eventObject); }) .click(function() { var eventObject = {type: 'slideClick', index:currentIndex, data:slideData}; $.isFunction(self.settings.slideClick) && self.settings.slideClick.call(this, eventObject); }); //calculate the width and height of the slices var sliceWidth = Math.floor(Math.min(slideData.width, self.settings.width) / horizontalSlices), sliceHeight = Math.floor(Math.min(slideData.height, self.settings.height) / verticalSlices), //calcualte the background's offset based on the align type specified offsetBgLeft = (slideData.width > self.settings.width) ? getLeftOffset(alignType, slideData.width, self.settings.width) : 0, offsetBgTop = (slideData.height > self.settings.height) ? getTopOffset(alignType, slideData.height, self.settings.height) : 0, //calcualte the position offset based on the align type specified offsetPosLeft = (slideData.width < self.settings.width) ? Math.floor((self.settings.width - slideData.width) / 2) : 0, offsetPosTop = (slideData.height < self.settings.height) ? Math.floor((self.settings.height - slideData.height) / 2) : 0, initialSlices = []; if (properties.slideMask) currentSlideDiv.css('overflow', 'hidden'); if (effectType == 'random') { var effects = ['scale', 'width', 'height', 'slide', 'fade', 'simpleSlide']; effectType = getRandom(effects); } if (effectType == 'simpleSlide') { // show the image as a background var container = $('
').css({'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'absolute', 'width': '100%', 'height': '100%'}) .appendTo(slideWrapper) if (slideData.path) currentSlideDiv.css({'background-image': 'url(' + slideData.path + ')', 'background-position': (-offsetBgLeft + offsetPosLeft) + 'px' + ' ' + (-offsetBgTop + offsetPosTop) + 'px', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'}) .appendTo(container); if (slideData.html && htmlDuringTransition) { var htmlContent = useXML ? ($('
' + slideData.html + '
')).clone() : (slideData.html).clone(); htmlContent.css({'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'width': self.settings.width, 'height': self.settings.height, 'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'absolute'}); currentSlideDiv.html(htmlContent) .appendTo(container); } if (previousSlideDiv) previousSlideDiv.appendTo(container); if (simpleSlideDirection == 'random') { var directions = ['autoHorizontal', 'autoVertical', 'rightToLeft', 'leftToRight', 'topToBottom', 'bottomToTop']; simpleSlideDirection = getRandom(directions); } var endPosition = {}, prop, value; switch (simpleSlideDirection) { case 'autoHorizontal': prop = 'left'; value = (currentIndex > previousIndex) ? self.settings.width : - self.settings.width; break; case 'autoVertical': prop = 'top'; value = (currentIndex > previousIndex) ? self.settings.height : - self.settings.height; break; case 'rightToLeft': prop = 'left'; value = self.settings.width; break; case 'leftToRight': prop = 'left'; value = - self.settings.width; break; case 'topToBottom': prop = 'top'; value = - self.settings.height; break; case 'bottomToTop': prop = 'top'; value = self.settings.height; break; default: prop = 'left'; value = (currentIndex > previousIndex) ? self.settings.width : - self.settings.width; } currentSlideDiv.css(prop, value); endPosition[prop] = 0; currentSlideDiv.animate(endPosition, {duration: simpleSlideDuration, easing: simpleSlideEasing, complete: function() { currentSlideDiv.appendTo(slideWrapper); container.remove(); endTransition(); }, step: function(currentValue) { if (previousSlideDiv) previousSlideDiv.css(prop, currentValue - value); } }); } else { // create the slices for (var i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { var slice = $('
').css({'left': i * sliceWidth + offsetPosLeft, 'top': j * sliceHeight + offsetPosTop, 'width': sliceWidth, 'height': sliceHeight, 'opacity': sliceFade, 'visibility': 'hidden'}) .data({'hPos':i, 'vPos':j}) .appendTo(currentSlideDiv); if (slideData.path) { slice.css({'background-image': 'url(' + slideData.path + ')', 'background-position': - (i * sliceWidth + offsetBgLeft) + 'px' + ' ' + - (j * sliceHeight + offsetBgTop) + 'px', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'}); } if (slideData.html && htmlDuringTransition) { var htmlContent = useXML ? ($('
' + slideData.html + '
')).clone() : (slideData.html).clone(); htmlContent.css({'left': -i * sliceWidth, 'top': -j * sliceHeight, 'width': slideData.width, 'height': slideData.height, 'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'absolute'}); slice.html(htmlContent) .css('overflow', 'hidden'); } initialSlices.push(slice); } } // if the 'random' value was specified for some of the properties, randomly select a new value from the list of available values if (slicePattern == 'random') { var patterns = ['randomPattern', 'topToBottom', 'bottomToTop', 'leftToRight', 'rightToLeft', 'topLeftToBottomRight', 'topRightToBottomLeft', 'bottomLeftToTopRight', 'bottomRightToTopLeft', 'horizontalMarginToCenter', 'horizontalCenterToMargin', 'marginToCenter', 'verticalCenterToMargin', 'skipOneTopToBottom', 'skipOneBottomToTop', 'skipOneLeftToRight', 'skipOneRightToLeft', 'skipOneHorizontal', 'skipOneVertical', 'spiralMarginToCenterCW', 'spiralMarginToCenterCCW', 'spiralCenterToMarginCW', 'spiralCenterToMarginCCW']; slicePattern = getRandom(patterns); } if (horizontalSlices == 1 && verticalSlices == 1) slicePattern = 'topToBottom'; if (slicePoint == 'random') { var points = ['leftTop', 'leftCenter', 'leftBottom', 'centerTop', 'centerCenter', 'centerBottom', 'rightTop', 'rightCenter', 'rightBottom']; slicePoint = getRandom(points); } if (slideStartPosition == 'random') { var positions = ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'leftTop', 'rightTop', 'leftBottom', 'horizontalAlternative', 'verticalAlternative']; slideStartPosition = getRandom(positions); } // get the slices in a specific order, based on the slicePattern property var orderedSlices = getOrderedSlices(initialSlices, slicePattern, horizontalSlices, verticalSlices), n = orderedSlices.length; // animate all the slices for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { animateSlice(orderedSlices[i], i, n, effectType, slicePoint, slideStartPosition, slideStartRatio, sliceDuration, sliceEasing, sliceDelay); } } // fire the 'transitionStart' event var eventObject = {type: 'transitionStart', index:currentIndex, data:slideData}; $.isFunction(self.settings.transitionStart) && self.settings.transitionStart.call(this, eventObject); } /** * This is called at the end of the transition */ function endTransition() { var slideData = slides[currentIndex], alignType = slideData.properties.alignType, offsetLeft = getLeftOffset(alignType, slideData.width, self.settings.width), offsetTop = getTopOffset(alignType, slideData.height, self.settings.height), effectType = slideData.properties.effectType, htmlDuringTransition = slideData.properties.htmlDuringTransition; isTransition = false; if (effectType != 'simpleSlide') { // remove all the slices currentSlideDiv.find('.slice').each(function(index) { clearTimeout($(this).data('timer')); $(this).remove(); }); // show the image as a background if (slideData.path) currentSlideDiv.css({'background-image': 'url(' + slideData.path + ')', 'background-position': - offsetLeft + 'px' + ' ' + - offsetTop + 'px', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat'}); } if (slideData.html && (effectType != 'simpleSlide' || !htmlDuringTransition)) { var htmlContent = useXML ? $('
' + slideData.html + '
') : slideData.html; htmlContent.css({'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'width': self.settings.width, 'height': self.settings.height, 'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'absolute'}); currentSlideDiv.html(htmlContent); } // if a link was specified for this slide, make the slide clickable if (slideData.link) { currentSlideDiv.css('cursor', 'pointer'); currentSlideDiv.click(function() { window.location.href = slideData.link; /* if ((slideData.link).substr(0, 1) == '#') { //window.location.href = slideData.link; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(slideData.link).offset().top }, 700); } else { window.open(slideData.link, slideData.properties.linkTarget); } */ }); } // if lightbox is enabled and lightbox content was specified if (self.settings.lightbox && slideData.lightbox) { // display the pointer currentSlideDiv.css('cursor', 'pointer'); currentSlideDiv.click(function() { if (self.settings.slideshow && slideshowState != 'stop') pauseSlideshow(); isLightbox = true; var currentPosition = slideData.lightbox.lightbox_index; // get the settings specified for this slide $.prettyPhoto.changeSettings({default_width: slideData.properties.lightboxDefaultWidth, default_height: slideData.properties.lightboxDefaultHeight, theme: slideData.properties.lightboxTheme, opacity: slideData.properties.lightboxOpacity, horizontal_padding: slideData.properties.lightboxHorizontalPadding, current_position: self.settings.lightboxNavigation ? currentPosition : -1}); // open the lightbox if (self.settings.lightboxNavigation) $.prettyPhoto.open(prettyPhotoContent, prettyPhotoTitle, prettyPhotoDescription); else $.prettyPhoto.open(prettyPhotoContent[currentPosition], prettyPhotoTitle[currentPosition], prettyPhotoDescription[currentPosition]); }); } // remove the previous slide if (previousSlideDiv) previousSlideDiv.remove(); // restart the slideshow if (self.settings.slideshow && slideshowState != 'stop') startSlideshow(); if (self.settings.slideshow && self.settings.pauseSlideshowOnHover && isHover) pauseSlideshow(); // if a caption was specified for this slide, create it if (slideData.caption) createCaption(); // fire the 'transitionComplete' event var eventObject = {type: 'transitionComplete', index:currentIndex, data:slideData}; $.isFunction(self.settings.transitionComplete) && self.settings.transitionComplete.call(this, eventObject); } /** * Returns a random element from an array */ function getRandom(array) { return array[Math.floor((Math.random() * array.length))]; } /** * Animates the individual slice */ function animateSlice(slice, i, n, effectType, slicePoint, slideStartPosition, slideStartRatio, sliceDuration, sliceEasing, sliceDelay) { // contains the starting values for the slice's properties var startState = new Object(), // contains the ending values for the slice's properties endState = new Object(), // assign values to the ending properties endWidth = parseInt(slice.css('width')), endHeight = parseInt(slice.css('height')), endLeft = parseInt(slice.css('left')), endTop = parseInt(slice.css('top')), startLeft, startTop, startWidth = 0, startHeight = 0; // assign values to the starting left and top position based on the set effect type if (effectType == 'scale' || effectType == 'width' || effectType == 'height') { switch (slicePoint) { case 'centerCenter': startTop = endTop + endHeight * 0.5; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * 0.5; break; case 'rightCenter': startTop = endTop + endHeight * 0.5; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth; break; case 'leftCenter': startTop = endTop + endHeight * 0.5; startLeft = endLeft; break; case 'centerTop': startTop = endTop; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * 0.5; break; case 'rightTop': startTop = endTop; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth; break; case 'leftTop': startTop = endTop; startLeft = endLeft; break; case 'centerBottom': startTop = endTop + endHeight; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * 0.5; break; case 'rightBottom': startTop = endTop + endHeight; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth; break; case 'leftBottom': startTop = endTop + endHeight; startLeft = endLeft; break; default: startTop = endTop + endHeight * 0.5; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * 0.5; } } else if (effectType == 'slide') { switch (slideStartPosition) { case 'left': startTop = endTop; startLeft = endLeft - endWidth * slideStartRatio; break; case 'right': startTop = endTop; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * slideStartRatio; break; case 'top': startTop = endTop - endHeight * slideStartRatio; startLeft = endLeft; break; case 'bottom': startTop = endTop + endHeight * slideStartRatio; startLeft = endLeft; break; case 'leftTop': startTop = endTop - endHeight * slideStartRatio; startLeft = endLeft - endWidth * slideStartRatio; break; case 'rightTop': startTop = endTop - endHeight * slideStartRatio; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * slideStartRatio; break; case 'leftBottom': startTop = endTop + endHeight * slideStartRatio; startLeft = endLeft - endWidth * slideStartRatio; break; case 'rightBottom': startTop = endTop + endHeight * slideStartRatio; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * slideStartRatio; break; case 'horizontalAlternative': startTop = endTop; startLeft = endLeft + endWidth * slideStartRatio * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1); break; case 'verticalAlternative': startTop = endTop + endHeight * slideStartRatio * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1); startLeft = endLeft; break; default: startTop = endTop; startLeft = endLeft - endWidth * slideStartRatio; } } // assign values to the starting and ending states based on the set effect type switch (effectType) { case 'fade': endState = {'opacity':1}; break; case 'scale': startState = {'width':startWidth, 'height':startHeight, 'left':startLeft, 'top':startTop}; endState = {'width':endWidth, 'height':endHeight, 'left':endLeft, 'top':endTop, 'opacity':1}; break; case 'width': startState = {'width':startWidth, 'left':startLeft}; endState = {'width':endWidth, 'left':endLeft, 'opacity':1}; break; case 'height': startState = {'height':startHeight, 'top':startTop}; endState = {'height':endHeight, 'top':endTop, 'opacity':1}; break; case 'slide': startState = {'left':startLeft, 'top':startTop}; endState = {'left':endLeft, 'top':endTop, 'opacity':1}; break; default: endState = {'opacity':1}; } // assign the starting state to the slice slice.css(startState); // animate the slice to the ending state var sliceTimer = setTimeout(function(){ slice.css('visibility', 'visible'); slice.animate(endState, sliceDuration, sliceEasing, function(){ //if the last slice was animated, call the enTransition function if (i == n - 1) endTransition(); })}, i * sliceDelay); slice.data('timer', sliceTimer); } /** * Creates the caption */ function createCaption() { isCaption = true; var slideData = slides[currentIndex], properties = slideData.properties, captionBackgroundOpacity = properties.captionBackgroundOpacity, captionBackgroundColor = properties.captionBackgroundColor; var captionContainer = $('
').appendTo(slideWrapper), captionWrapper = $('
').appendTo(captionContainer), captionBackground = $('
').css({'opacity': captionBackgroundOpacity, 'background-color': captionBackgroundColor}) .appendTo(captionWrapper), captionContent = $('
').html(slideData.caption) .appendTo(captionWrapper); $('.advanced-slider .caption .wrapper p').each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($(this).html() + '
'); }); $('.advanced-slider .content').children().wrap('

'); if (!self.settings.hideCaption || (self.settings.hideCaption && isHover)) showCaption(); } /** * Removes the caption */ function removeCaption() { isCaption = false; hideCaption(true); } /** * Shows the caption */ function showCaption() { // get the specified values for the current caption var slideData = slides[currentIndex], properties = slideData.properties, captionPosition = properties.captionPosition, captionSize = parseInt(properties.captionSize), captionWidth = parseInt(properties.captionWidth), captionHeight = parseInt(properties.captionHeight), captionLeft = parseInt(properties.captionLeft), captionTop = parseInt(properties.captionTop), captionShowEffect = properties.captionShowEffect, captionShowEffectDuration = parseInt(properties.captionShowEffectDuration), captionShowEffectEasing = properties.captionShowEffectEasing, captionShowSlideDirection = properties.captionShowSlideDirection, currentWidth = Math.min(slideData.width, self.settings.width), currentHeight = Math.min(slideData.height, self.settings.height), containerWidth = (captionPosition == "custom") ? captionWidth : currentWidth, containerHeight = (captionPosition == "custom") ? captionHeight : currentHeight, containerLeft = (captionPosition == "custom") ? captionLeft : (self.settings.width - containerWidth) / 2, containerTop = (captionPosition == "custom") ? captionTop : (self.settings.height - containerHeight) / 2, captionContainer = slideWrapper.find('.caption'), captionWrapper = captionContainer.find('.wrapper'), captionBackground = captionWrapper.find('.background'), captionContent = captionWrapper.find('.content'), captionBackgroundOpacity = properties.captionBackgroundOpacity, captionBackgroundColor = properties.captionBackgroundColor, initialPosition = captionShowEffect == "fade" ? 0 : captionSize, endState = {}; switch (captionPosition) { case 'left': captionContainer.css({'width': captionSize, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': containerLeft, 'top': containerTop}); if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'auto') captionWrapper.css({'width': captionSize, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': -initialPosition, 'top': 0}); break; case 'right': captionContainer.css({'width': captionSize, 'height': containerHeight, 'right': containerLeft, 'top': containerTop}); if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'auto') captionWrapper.css({'width': captionSize, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': initialPosition, 'top': 0}); break; case 'top': captionContainer.css({'width':containerWidth, 'height': captionSize, 'left': containerLeft, 'top': containerTop}); if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'auto') captionWrapper.css({'width':containerWidth, 'height': captionSize, 'left': 0, 'top': -initialPosition}); break; case 'bottom': captionContainer.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': captionSize, 'left': containerLeft, 'bottom': containerTop}); if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'auto') captionWrapper.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': captionSize, 'left': 0, 'top': initialPosition}); break; case 'custom': captionContainer.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': containerLeft, 'top': containerTop}); captionWrapper.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': 0, 'top': 0}); break; case 'default': captionContainer.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': captionSize, 'left': containerLeft, 'bottom': containerTop}); if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'auto') captionWrapper.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': captionSize, 'left': 0, 'top': initialPosition}); break; } if (captionShowEffect == "fade") { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) { if ($.browser.version != '6.0') { captionContent.css({'opacity': 0}); captionContent.animate({'opacity': 1}, captionShowEffectDuration, captionShowEffectEasing, function(){captionContent.css('filter', '')}); captionBackground.css({'opacity': 0}); captionBackground.animate({'opacity': captionBackgroundOpacity}, captionShowEffectDuration, captionShowEffectEasing); } else { captionWrapper.css('opacity', 1); captionContent.css('opacity', 1); captionBackground.css('opacity', 1); captionWrapper.css('background-color', captionBackgroundColor); } } else { captionWrapper.css({'opacity': 0}); captionWrapper.animate({'opacity': 1}, captionShowEffectDuration, captionShowEffectEasing); } } else { captionWrapper.css({'opacity': 1}); captionContent.css('opacity', 1); captionBackground.css('opacity', captionBackgroundOpacity); if (captionPosition == 'custom') captionContainer.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': containerLeft, 'top': containerTop}); if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'topToBottom') captionWrapper.css({'width':containerWidth, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': 0, 'top': -containerHeight}); else if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'bottomToTop') captionWrapper.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': 0, 'top': containerHeight}); else if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'leftToRight') captionWrapper.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': -containerWidth, 'top': 0}); else if (captionShowSlideDirection == 'rightToLeft') captionWrapper.css({'width': containerWidth, 'height': containerHeight, 'left': containerWidth, 'top': 0}); if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == '6.0') captionWrapper.css('background-color', captionBackgroundColor); captionWrapper.animate({'top':0, 'left':0}, captionShowEffectDuration, captionShowEffectEasing); } } /** * Hides the caption */ function hideCaption(remove) { var captionContainer = slideWrapper.find('.caption'), captionWrapper = captionContainer.find('.wrapper'), captionBackground = captionWrapper.find('.background'), captionContent = captionWrapper.find('.content'), properties = slides[currentIndex].properties, captionPosition = properties.captionPosition, captionHideEffect = properties.captionHideEffect, captionHideEffectDuration = parseInt(properties.captionHideEffectDuration), captionHideEffectEasing = properties.captionHideEffectEasing, captionHideSlideDirection = properties.captionHideSlideDirection; if (captionHideEffect == "fade") { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) { if ($.browser.version != '6.0') { captionContent.animate({'opacity': 0}, captionHideEffectDuration, captionHideEffectEasing, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); captionBackground.animate({'opacity': 0}, captionHideEffectDuration, captionHideEffectEasing); } else { captionContent.css('opacity', 0); captionBackground.css('opacity', 0); captionWrapper.css('opacity', 0); if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); } } else { captionWrapper.animate({'opacity': 0}, captionHideEffectDuration, captionHideEffectEasing, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); } } else { if (captionHideSlideDirection == 'topToBottom') captionWrapper.animate({'top': parseInt(captionWrapper.css('height'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); else if (captionHideSlideDirection == 'bottomToTop') captionWrapper.animate({'top': - parseInt(captionWrapper.css('height'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); else if (captionHideSlideDirection == 'leftToRight') captionWrapper.animate({'left': parseInt(captionWrapper.css('width'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); else if (captionHideSlideDirection == 'rightToLeft') captionWrapper.animate({'left': - parseInt(captionWrapper.css('width'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); else if (captionHideSlideDirection == 'auto') switch (captionPosition) { case 'left': captionWrapper.animate({'left': - parseInt(captionWrapper.css('width'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); break; case 'right': captionWrapper.animate({'left': parseInt(captionWrapper.css('width'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); break; case 'top': captionWrapper.animate({'top': - parseInt(captionWrapper.css('height'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); break; case 'bottom': captionWrapper.animate({'top': parseInt(captionWrapper.css('height'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); break; case 'custom': captionWrapper.animate({'top': parseInt(captionWrapper.css('height'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); break; case 'default': captionWrapper.animate({'top': parseInt(captionWrapper.css('height'))}, captionHideEffectDuration, function(){ if (remove) captionContainer.remove(); }); break; } } } /** * Starts the slideshow */ function startSlideshow() { var delay = slides[currentIndex].properties.slideshowDelay || self.settings.slideshowDelay; if (self.settings.timerAnimation) startTimerAnimation(delay); slideshowTimerPosition = 0; slideshowStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (slideshowTimer) clearTimeout(slideshowTimer); slideshowTimer = setTimeout(function() { if (self.settings.slideshowDirection == 'next') nextSlide(); else if (self.settings.slideshowDirection == 'previous') previousSlide(); }, delay); } /** * Stops the slideshow */ function stopSlideshow() { if (slideshowTimer) clearTimeout(slideshowTimer); if (self.settings.timerAnimation) stopTimerAnimation(); } /** * Pauses the slideshow */ function pauseSlideshow() { if (slideshowTimer) clearTimeout(slideshowTimer); slideshowTimerPosition += (new Date()).getTime() - slideshowStartTime; } /** * Resumes the slideshow */ function resumeSlideshow() { var delay = slides[currentIndex].properties.slideshowDelay || self.settings.slideshowDelay; slideshowStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); if (slideshowTimer) clearTimeout(slideshowTimer); slideshowTimer = setTimeout(function() { if (self.settings.slideshowDirection == 'next') nextSlide(); else if (self.settings.slideshowDirection == 'previous') previousSlide(); }, delay - slideshowTimerPosition); } /** * Creates the timer animation */ function startTimerAnimation(delay) { // create a canvas element var timerCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'), // calculate the diagonal of the timer based on the strokes's width and the specified radius timerSize = Math.max(self.settings.timerStrokeWidth1, self.settings.timerStrokeWidth2) + self.settings.timerRadius * 2, // calculate the center of the timer timerPosition = timerSize / 2, // used to transform degrees in radians radians = Math.PI / 180, // the current angle of the animated circle angle = 0, // will be used how much time has passed since the animation started currentTime, timePassed, // values for the color and opacity of the timer strokeOpacity1 = self.settings.timerStrokeOpacity1, strokeOpacity2 = self.settings.timerStrokeOpacity2, strokeRed1 = hexToRGB(self.settings.timerStrokeColor1).red, strokeGreen1 = hexToRGB(self.settings.timerStrokeColor1).green, strokeBlue1 = hexToRGB(self.settings.timerStrokeColor1).blue, strokeRed2 = hexToRGB(self.settings.timerStrokeColor2).red, strokeGreen2 = hexToRGB(self.settings.timerStrokeColor2).green, strokeBlue2 = hexToRGB(self.settings.timerStrokeColor2).blue; timerCanvas.width = timerCanvas.height = timerSize; // add the canvas to the slider $(timerCanvas).attr('class', 'timer-animation') .appendTo(slideWrapper); if (self.settings.fadeTimer && !isHover) { $(timerCanvas).css('opacity', 0); } else { // fade in the canvas if (!($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9)) $(timerCanvas).css({'opacity':0}) .stop().animate({'opacity':1}, self.settings.timerFadeDuration); } // IE8 and earlier versions don't support 'canvas', so a 3rd parth library is used: excanvas.js if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) timerCanvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(timerCanvas); var ctx = timerCanvas.getContext("2d"); // draw the underlying circle ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = self.settings.timerStrokeWidth1; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + strokeRed1 + ', ' + strokeGreen1 + ', ' + strokeBlue1 + ', ' + strokeOpacity1 + ')'; ctx.arc(timerPosition, timerPosition, self.settings.timerRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.stroke(); timerAnimationTimer = setInterval(function() { if (angle <= 360 && !((self.settings.pauseSlideshowOnHover && isHover) || isLightbox)) { currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(); timePassed = (currentTime - slideshowStartTime); // calculate the angle on the circle based on how much time has passed angle = ((slideshowTimerPosition + timePassed) / delay) * 360 + 1; if (angle > 360) angle = 360; // clear the canvas timerCanvas.width = timerCanvas.width; // draw the underlying circle ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = self.settings.timerStrokeWidth1; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + strokeRed1 + ', ' + strokeGreen1 + ', ' + strokeBlue1 + ', ' + strokeOpacity1 + ')'; ctx.arc(timerPosition, timerPosition, self.settings.timerRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.stroke(); // draw the animated circle ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = self.settings.timerStrokeWidth2; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + strokeRed2 + ', ' + strokeGreen2 + ', ' + strokeBlue2 + ', ' + strokeOpacity2 + ')'; ctx.arc(timerPosition, timerPosition, self.settings.timerRadius, 0, angle * radians, false); ctx.stroke(); } }, 20); } /** * Stops the timer animation and removes the canvas */ function stopTimerAnimation() { if (timerAnimationTimer) clearInterval(timerAnimationTimer); var timerCanvas = slider.find('.timer-animation'); if (timerCanvas) { if (!($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9)) timerCanvas.stop().animate({'opacity':0}, self.settings.timerFadeDuration, function(){timerCanvas.remove();}); else timerCanvas.remove(); } } /** * Returns the left offset of the slide based on the specified align type, and the difference between the slider's specified width and the slide's actual width */ function getLeftOffset(alignType, fullWidth, setWidth) { var left = 0; if (alignType == 'centerTop' || alignType == 'centerCenter' || alignType == 'centerBottom' || fullWidth < setWidth) left = Math.floor((fullWidth - setWidth) / 2); else if (alignType == 'rightTop' || alignType == 'rightCenter' || alignType == 'rightBottom') left = fullWidth - setWidth; return left; } /** * Returns the top offset of the slide based on the specified align type, and the difference between the slider's specified height and the slide's actual height */ function getTopOffset(alignType, fullHeight, setHeight) { var top = 0; if (alignType == 'leftCenter' || alignType == 'centerCenter' || alignType == 'rightCenter' || fullHeight < setHeight) top = Math.floor((fullHeight - setHeight) / 2); else if (alignType == 'leftBottom' || alignType == 'centerBottom' || alignType == 'rightBottom') top = fullHeight - setHeight; return top; } /** * Creates the navigation thumbnails */ function createNavigationThumbnails() { var numThumbnails = slides.length; navigationThumbnails = $('').appendTo(slider); thumbnailsVisibleContainer = $('
').appendTo(navigationThumbnails); thumbnailsContainer = $('
').appendTo(thumbnailsVisibleContainer); if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == "horizontal") navigationThumbnails.addClass('horizontal'); else navigationThumbnails.addClass('vertical'); totalThumbnailPages = Math.ceil(slides.length / self.settings.visibleThumbnails); for (var i = 0; i < numThumbnails; i++) { // create the thumbnail var thumbnail = $('').css({'width':self.settings.thumbnailWidth, 'height':self.settings.thumbnailHeight, 'background-image': 'url('+ slides[i].thumbnail +')'}) .appendTo(thumbnailsContainer); // position the thumbnail if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') thumbnail.css('left', i * thumbnail.outerWidth(true)); else thumbnail.css('top', i * thumbnail.outerHeight(true)); // create the thumbnail's caption if (slides[i].thumbnailCaption) { var thumbnailCaption = $('
').appendTo(thumbnail), thumbnailCaptionBackground = $('
').appendTo(thumbnailCaption), thumbnailCaptionContent = $('
' + slides[i].thumbnailCaption + '
').appendTo(thumbnailCaption); thumbnailCaption.css('height', thumbnailCaptionContent.outerHeight(true)); // set the initial position of the caption if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionPosition == 'top') thumbnailCaption.css({'top': 0}); else thumbnailCaption.css({'bottom': 0}); // change the caption's position, if the caption will be animated if (self.settings.hideThumbnailCaption) if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionEffect == 'slide') if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionPosition == 'top') thumbnailCaption.css({'top': -thumbnailCaption.outerHeight(true)}); else thumbnailCaption.css({'bottom': -thumbnailCaption.outerHeight(true)}); else thumbnailCaption.hide(); } // change the thumbnail's style // hide/show the thumbnail's caption thumbnail.hover(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('select')) $(this).addClass('over'); var thumbnailCaption = $(this).find('.caption'); if (thumbnailCaption) if (self.settings.hideThumbnailCaption) if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionEffect == 'slide') if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionPosition == 'top') thumbnailCaption.stop().animate({'top': 0}, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionShowDuration); else thumbnailCaption.stop().animate({'bottom': 0}, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionShowDuration); else thumbnailCaption.stop(false, true).fadeIn(self.settings.thumbnailCaptionShowDuration, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionEasing); if (self.settings.thumbnailTooltip) showTooltip(parseInt($(this).attr('rel'))); }, function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('select')) $(this).removeClass('over'); var thumbnailCaption = $(this).find('.caption'); if (thumbnailCaption) if (self.settings.hideThumbnailCaption) if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionEffect == 'slide') if (self.settings.thumbnailCaptionPosition == 'top') thumbnailCaption.stop().animate({'top': -thumbnailCaption.outerHeight(true)}, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionHideDuration, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionEasing); else thumbnailCaption.stop().animate({'bottom': -thumbnailCaption.outerHeight(true)}, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionHideDuration, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionEasing); else thumbnailCaption.stop(false, true).fadeOut(self.settings.thumbnailCaptionHideDuration, self.settings.thumbnailCaptionEasing); if (self.settings.thumbnailTooltip) hideTooltip(); }); thumbnail.click(function() { gotoSlide(parseInt($(this).attr('rel'))); }); } // get the width and height of an individual thumbnail var thumbnailWidth = navigationThumbnails.find('.thumbnail').outerWidth(true), thumbnailHeight = navigationThumbnails.find('.thumbnail').outerHeight(true); // set the size and position of the thumbnail's container and the main thumbnail navigation container // besed on the orientation of the thumbnails and the thumbnail's size if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { navigationThumbnails.css({'width': thumbnailWidth * Math.min(numThumbnails, self.settings.visibleThumbnails), 'height': thumbnailHeight, 'top': slideWrapper.outerHeight(true)}); thumbnailsVisibleContainer.css({'width': thumbnailWidth * Math.min(numThumbnails, self.settings.visibleThumbnails), 'height': thumbnailHeight}); thumbnailsTotalSize = slides.length * thumbnailWidth; } else { navigationThumbnails.css({'width': thumbnailWidth, 'height': thumbnailHeight * Math.min(numThumbnails, self.settings.visibleThumbnails), 'left': slideWrapper.outerWidth(true)}); thumbnailsVisibleContainer.css({'width': thumbnailWidth, 'height': thumbnailHeight * Math.min(numThumbnails, self.settings.visibleThumbnails)}); thumbnailsTotalSize = slides.length * thumbnailHeight; } // show/hide the entire thumbnail navigation if (self.settings.fadeNavigationThumbnails) { navigationThumbnails.css({opacity:0}); navigationThumbnails.hover(function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) navigationThumbnails.css('filter', ''); else navigationThumbnails.stop().animate({'opacity': 1}, self.settings.navigationThumbnailsShowDuration); }, function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) navigationThumbnails.css('opacity', 0); else navigationThumbnails.stop().animate({'opacity': 0}, self.settings.navigationThumbnailsHideDuration); }); } // if the total number of thumbnails is greater then the number of visible thumbnails // setup the navigation controls if (self.settings.visibleThumbnails < numThumbnails) { // create the next&previous arrows for the thumbnails if (self.settings.thumbnailArrows) { var type = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? '' : 'vertical ', navigationArrows = $('
').appendTo(navigationThumbnails), previousArrow = $('').click(function() { scrollToPreviousThumbnailPage(); }) .appendTo(navigationArrows), nextArrow = $('').click(function() { scrollToNextThumbnailPage(); }) .appendTo(navigationArrows); // set the position of the arrows // and reset the size and position of the thumbnail containers if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { navigationThumbnails.css('width', thumbnailWidth * Math.min(numThumbnails, self.settings.visibleThumbnails) + previousArrow.outerWidth(true) + nextArrow.outerWidth(true)); thumbnailsVisibleContainer.css('left', Math.round((navigationThumbnails.outerWidth() - thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth()) / 2)); previousArrow.css({'top': Math.round((navigationThumbnails.outerHeight() - previousArrow.outerHeight()) / 2)}); nextArrow.css({'top': Math.round((navigationThumbnails.outerHeight() - nextArrow.outerHeight()) / 2)}); } else { navigationThumbnails.css('height', thumbnailHeight * Math.min(numThumbnails, self.settings.visibleThumbnails) + previousArrow.outerHeight(true) + nextArrow.outerHeight(true)); thumbnailsVisibleContainer.css('top', Math.round((navigationThumbnails.outerHeight() - thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight()) / 2)); previousArrow.css({'left': Math.round((navigationThumbnails.outerWidth() - previousArrow.outerWidth()) / 2)}); nextArrow.css({'left': Math.round((navigationThumbnails.outerWidth() - nextArrow.outerWidth()) / 2)}); } // show/hide the arrows if (self.settings.fadeThumbnailArrows) { if ($.browser.msie) navigationArrows.hide(); else navigationArrows.css('opacity', 0); navigationThumbnails.hover(function() { if ($.browser.msie) navigationArrows.show(); else navigationArrows.stop().animate({'opacity': 1}, self.settings.thumbnailArrowsShowDuration); }, function() { if ($.browser.msie) navigationArrows.hide(); else navigationArrows.stop().animate({'opacity': 0}, self.settings.thumbnailArrowsHideDuration); }); } } // create the thumbnail buttons if (self.settings.thumbnailButtons) { var navigationThumbnailsButtons = $('
').appendTo(navigationThumbnails), buttonSize; for (var i = 0; i < totalThumbnailPages; i++) { var button = $('').appendTo(navigationThumbnailsButtons); // position the buttons if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { buttonSize = button.outerWidth(true); button.css({'left': i * buttonSize}); } else { buttonSize = button.outerHeight(true); button.css({'top': i * buttonSize}); } // handle mouse interaction button.bind({mouseover:function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('select')) $(this).addClass('over'); }, mouseout:function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('select')) $(this).removeClass('over'); }, click:function() { var index = parseInt($(this).attr('rel')); scrollToThumbnailPage(index); } }); } // set the size of the buttons's container var buttonsPosition = {}; var buttonsSize = {}; if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { buttonsSize['width'] = buttonSize * totalThumbnailPages; buttonsSize['height'] = buttonSize; } else { buttonsSize['height'] = buttonSize * totalThumbnailPages; buttonsSize['width'] = buttonSize; } navigationThumbnailsButtons.css(buttonsSize); // set the postion of the thumbnail buttons's container if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { navigationThumbnails.css('height', thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight() + navigationThumbnailsButtons.outerHeight(true)); buttonsPosition['left'] = (navigationThumbnails.outerWidth() - navigationThumbnailsButtons.outerWidth()) / 2; buttonsPosition['top'] = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight(); } else { navigationThumbnails.css('width', thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth() + navigationThumbnailsButtons.outerWidth(true)); buttonsPosition['top'] = (navigationThumbnails.outerHeight() - navigationThumbnailsButtons.outerHeight()) / 2; buttonsPosition['left'] = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth(); } navigationThumbnailsButtons.css(buttonsPosition); // show/hide the buttons if (self.settings.fadeThumbnailButtons) { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) navigationThumbnailsButtons.hide(); else navigationThumbnailsButtons.css('opacity', 0); navigationThumbnails.hover(function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) navigationThumbnailsButtons.show(); else navigationThumbnailsButtons.stop().animate({opacity: 1}, self.settings.thumbnailButtonsShowDuration); }, function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) navigationThumbnailsButtons.hide(); else navigationThumbnailsButtons.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, self.settings.thumbnailButtonsShowDuration); }); } // scroll to the first page in order to have the first button selected //scrollToThumbnailPage(0); navigationThumbnailsButtons.find('a').eq(0).addClass('select'); } } // if true, the buttons will be horizontally positioned in the center // if false, the buttons will be posistioned based on the value of the 'left' property specified in the CSS if (self.settings.navigationThumbnailsCenter) { var position = {}; if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { position['left'] = (slideWrapper.outerWidth(true) - navigationThumbnails.outerWidth(true)) / 2; } else { position['top'] = (slideWrapper.outerHeight(true) - navigationThumbnails.outerHeight(true)) / 2; } navigationThumbnails.css(position); } // create the tooltip and make it invisible if (self.settings.thumbnailTooltip) $('
').hide().appendTo(navigationThumbnails); if (self.settings.thumbnailMouseScroll || self.settings.thumbnailTooltip || self.settings.thumbnailScrollbar) { $(document).bind('mousemove',function(event) { mouseX = event.pageX; mouseY = event.pageY; }); } // create the scrollbar if (self.settings.thumbnailScrollbar) createScrollbar(); // activate the mouse scrolling if (self.settings.thumbnailMouseScroll) startThumbnailMouseScroll(); // activate the mouse wheel scrolling if (self.settings.thumbnailMouseWheel) startThumbnailMouseWheel(); if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { var thumbnailsPosition = parseInt(navigationThumbnails.css('top')) + navigationThumbnails.outerHeight(true), extraHeight = (slider.outerHeight() < thumbnailsPosition) ? thumbnailsPosition - slider.outerHeight(): 0; slider.css('height', slider.outerHeight() + extraHeight); } else { var thumbnailsPosition = parseInt(navigationThumbnails.css('left')) + navigationThumbnails.outerWidth(true), extraWidth = (slider.outerWidth() < thumbnailsPosition) ? thumbnailsPosition - slider.outerWidth(): 0; slider.css('width', slider.outerWidth() + extraWidth); } } /** * Shows the tooltip */ function showTooltip(index) { var tooltipContent = slides[index].thumbnailTooltip; // check if the item has a tooltip specified for it if (!tooltipContent) return; var tooltip = slider.find('.tooltip'); // add the text tooltip.find('.content').html(tooltipContent); // fade in tooltip.stop(false, true).fadeIn(self.settings.tooltipShowDuration); // calculate the position based on the size of the tooltip var tooltipLeft = - tooltip.outerWidth() / 2, tooltipTop = 0 - tooltip.outerHeight() - parseInt(tooltip.css('marginBottom')); // assign the values at start tooltip.css({'left':mouseX - navigationThumbnails.offset().left + tooltipLeft, 'top':mouseY - navigationThumbnails.offset().top + tooltipTop}); // update the position as the mouse moves $(document).bind('mousemove.tooltip', function() { tooltip.css({'left':mouseX - navigationThumbnails.offset().left + tooltipLeft, 'top':mouseY - navigationThumbnails.offset().top + tooltipTop}); }); } /** * Hides the tooltip */ function hideTooltip() { var tooltip = slider.find('.tooltip'); if (tooltip) { tooltip.stop(false, true).fadeOut(self.settings.tooltipHideDuration, function() { $(document).unbind('mousemove.tooltip'); // position the tooltip outside of any visible area tooltip.css('left', -9999); }); } } /** * Scrolls the thumbnails to the next page */ function scrollToNextThumbnailPage() { if (currentThumbnailPage < totalThumbnailPages - 1) { currentThumbnailPage++; scrollToThumbnailPage(currentThumbnailPage); } else { scrollToThumbnailPage(0); } } /** * Scrolls the thumbnails to the previous page */ function scrollToPreviousThumbnailPage() { if (currentThumbnailPage > 0) { currentThumbnailPage--; scrollToThumbnailPage(currentThumbnailPage); } else { scrollToThumbnailPage(totalThumbnailPages - 1); } } /** * Scrolls the thumbnails to a specified page */ function scrollToThumbnailPage(index) { var pageSize = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth() : thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight(), targetPosition = index * pageSize; currentThumbnailPage = index; if (currentThumbnailPage == totalThumbnailPages - 1) targetPosition = thumbnailsTotalSize - pageSize; onThumbnailScrollStart(); var animObj = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? {left: -targetPosition} : {top: -targetPosition}; thumbnailsContainer.animate(animObj, {duration:self.settings.thumbnailScrollDuration, easing: self.settings.thumbnailScrollEasing, step: function() {onThumbnailScrollProgress();}, complete: function() {onThumbnailScrollComplete();}}); if (self.settings.thumbnailButtons) { var navigationThumbnailsButtons = navigationThumbnails.find('.buttons'); navigationThumbnailsButtons.find('.select').removeClass('select'); navigationThumbnailsButtons.find('a').eq(index).removeClass('over').addClass('select'); } } /** * Enables the mouse scrolling */ function startThumbnailMouseScroll() { self.settings.thumbnailMouseScroll = true; var increment = 0, ratio, targetPosition, init = false, visibleContainerTop = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.offset().top, visibleContainerLeft = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.offset().left, visibleContainerWidth = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth(true), visibleContainerHeight = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight(true), visibleContainerSize = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? visibleContainerWidth : visibleContainerHeight, visibleContainerPosition = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? visibleContainerLeft : visibleContainerTop, prop = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top', thumbnailsPosition = parseInt(thumbnailsContainer.css(prop)); // start moving the thumbnails thumbnailMouseScrollTimer = setInterval(function() { if (!init) { init = true; visibleContainerTop = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.offset().top; visibleContainerLeft = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.offset().left; visibleContainerWidth = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth(true); visibleContainerHeight = thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight(true); } if (mouseX > visibleContainerLeft && mouseX < (visibleContainerLeft + visibleContainerWidth) && mouseY > visibleContainerTop && mouseY < (visibleContainerTop + visibleContainerHeight)) { var mousePosition = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? mouseX : mouseY, ratio = (mousePosition - visibleContainerPosition) / visibleContainerSize, targetPosition = -((thumbnailsTotalSize - visibleContainerSize + 200) * ratio) + 100; increment = Math.round((targetPosition - thumbnailsPosition) * self.settings.thumbnailMouseScrollSpeed / 100); thumbnailsPosition += increment; } else { if (Math.abs(increment) > 0.1) { increment *= (self.settings.thumbnailMouseScrollEase / 100); thumbnailsPosition += increment; } else { increment = 0; } } if (Math.abs(increment) > 0) { if (thumbnailsPosition >= 0) thumbnailsPosition = 0; else if (thumbnailsPosition <= visibleContainerSize - thumbnailsTotalSize) thumbnailsPosition = visibleContainerSize - thumbnailsTotalSize; onThumbnailScrollProgress(); thumbnailsContainer.css(prop, thumbnailsPosition); } }, 30); } /** * Disables the mouse scrolling */ function stopThumbnailMouseScroll() { self.settings.thumbnailMouseScroll = false; clearInterval(thumbnailMouseScrollTimer); } /** * Enables the mouse wheel scrolling */ function startThumbnailMouseWheel() { self.settings.thumbnailMouseWheel = true; var targetPosition = 0, directionSign = self.settings.thumbnailMouseWheelReverse ? -1 : 1, currentPosition, prop = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top', visibleContainerSize = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth(true) : thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight(true); thumbnailsVisibleContainer.bind('mousewheel', function(event, delta) { // disable page scrolling event.preventDefault(); // if the mouse wheel scrolling is not already started, start it if (!isThumbnailMouseWheelScrolling) { onThumbnailScrollStart(); isThumbnailMouseWheelScrolling = true; currentPosition = parseInt(thumbnailsContainer.css(prop)); targetPosition = currentPosition; thumbnailMouseWheelTimer = setInterval(function() { if (Math.abs(targetPosition - currentPosition) > 0.5) { var increment = (targetPosition - currentPosition) * (self.settings.thumbnailMouseWheelSpeed / 100); currentPosition += increment; onThumbnailScrollProgress(); thumbnailsContainer.css(prop, currentPosition); } else { onThumbnailScrollComplete(); } }, 30); } targetPosition += directionSign * delta * 10; if (targetPosition >= 0) targetPosition = 0; else if (targetPosition <= visibleContainerSize - thumbnailsTotalSize) targetPosition = visibleContainerSize - thumbnailsTotalSize; }); } /** * Disables the mouse wheel scrolling */ function stopThumbnailMouseWheel() { self.settings.thumbnailMouseWheel = false; isThumbnailMouseWheelScrolling = false; clearInterval(thumbnailMouseWheelTimer); } /** * Creates the scrollbar */ function createScrollbar() { // add the scrollbar to the carousel area var scrollbar = $('
').appendTo(navigationThumbnails), track = $('
').appendTo(scrollbar), trackMiddle = $('
').appendTo(track), trackBck = $('
').appendTo(track), trackFwd = $('
').appendTo(track), thumb = $('
').appendTo(track), thumbMiddle = $('
').appendTo(thumb), thumbBck = $('
').appendTo(thumb), thumbFwd = $('
').appendTo(thumb), bck = $('
').appendTo(scrollbar), fwd = $('
').appendTo(scrollbar), thumbPosition = 0, thumbOffset, scrollbarPosition = 0, currentPosition = 0, sizeProp = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height', positionProp = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top'; scrollbar.addClass(self.settings.scrollbarSkin); // position the scrollbar if (self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal') { scrollbar.addClass('horizontal'); scrollbar.css({'top':thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight(), 'left':(navigationThumbnails.outerWidth() - parseInt(scrollbar.css('width'))) / 2}); navigationThumbnails.css('height', thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerHeight() + scrollbar.outerHeight(true)); } else { scrollbar.addClass('vertical'); scrollbar.css({'left':thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth(), 'top':(navigationThumbnails.outerHeight() - parseInt(scrollbar.css('height'))) / 2}); navigationThumbnails.css('width', thumbnailsVisibleContainer.outerWidth() + scrollbar.outerWidth(true)); } // show/hide the scrollbar if (self.settings.fadeThumbnailScrollbar) { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) scrollbar.hide(); else scrollbar.css('opacity', 0); navigationThumbnails.hover(function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) scrollbar.show(); else scrollbar.stop().animate({opacity: 1}, self.settings.thumbnailScrollbarShowDuration); }, function() { if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) < 9) scrollbar.hide(); else scrollbar.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, self.settings.thumbnailScrollbarShowDuration); }); } // when the thumb is pressed, start registering its movement thumb.bind('mousedown', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var mousePosition = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? mouseX : mouseY; thumbOffset = mousePosition - thumb.offset()[positionProp]; isThumbnailScrollbarDragging = true; $(document).bind('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler); }); // stop registering the movement when the mouse is released $(document).bind('mouseup', function() { if (isThumbnailScrollbarDragging) { isThumbnailScrollbarDragging = false; $(document).unbind('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler); } }); // move the thumb function mouseMoveHandler() { var mousePosition = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? mouseX : mouseY; thumbPosition = mousePosition - track.offset()[positionProp] - thumbOffset; move(); } // move the thumb on left arrow click bck.bind('click', function() { thumbPosition = parseInt(thumb.css(positionProp)) - self.settings.scrollbarArrowScrollAmount; move(); }); // move the thumb or right arrow click fwd.bind('click', function() { thumbPosition = parseInt(thumb.css(positionProp)) + self.settings.scrollbarArrowScrollAmount; move(); }); function move() { // keep the thumb within bounderies if (thumbPosition < 0) thumbPosition = 0; else if (thumbPosition > parseInt(track.css(sizeProp)) - parseInt(thumb.css(sizeProp))) thumbPosition = parseInt(track.css(sizeProp)) - parseInt(thumb.css(sizeProp)); // move the thumb if (isThumbnailScrollbarDragging) thumb.css(positionProp, thumbPosition); // calculate the scrollbar position (a number between 0 and 1) scrollbarPosition = thumbPosition / (parseInt(track.css(sizeProp)) - parseInt(thumb.css(sizeProp))); // update the position of the thumbnails based on the thumb's position if (!isThumbnailScrollbarMoving) { onThumbnailScrollStart(); isThumbnailScrollbarMoving = true; currentPosition = parseInt(thumbnailsContainer.css(positionProp)); thumbnailScrollbarTimer = setInterval(function() { if (Math.abs(getThumbnailsPosition() + scrollbarPosition) > 0.001) { var newPos = - scrollbarPosition * (thumbnailsTotalSize - parseInt(thumbnailsVisibleContainer.css(sizeProp))); var increment = (newPos - currentPosition) * self.settings.thumbnailScrollbarEase / 100; currentPosition += increment; onThumbnailScrollProgress(); thumbnailsContainer.css(positionProp, currentPosition); } else if (isThumbnailScrollbarMoving) { onThumbnailScrollComplete(); } }, 30); } } } /** * A number from 0 to 1, representing the current position of the thumbnails */ function getThumbnailsPosition() { var positionProp = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top', sizeProp = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height', position = parseFloat(thumbnailsContainer.css(positionProp)) / (thumbnailsTotalSize - parseInt(thumbnailsVisibleContainer.css(sizeProp))); return position; } /** * Clears all the timers * This has to be done before any type of scrolling in order to prevent conflicts */ function clearThumbnailScrollingTimers() { if (thumbnailMouseScrollTimer) { clearInterval(thumbnailMouseScrollTimer); } if (thumbnailMouseWheelTimer) { isThumbnailMouseWheelScrolling = false; clearInterval(thumbnailMouseWheelTimer); } if (thumbnailScrollbarTimer) { isThumbnailScrollbarMoving = false; clearInterval(thumbnailScrollbarTimer); } } /** * This is called before starting any type of scrolling */ function onThumbnailScrollStart() { clearThumbnailScrollingTimers(); if (thumbnailsContainer) if (thumbnailsContainer.is(':animated')) thumbnailsContainer.stop(); } /** * This is called after the scrolling is complete */ function onThumbnailScrollComplete() { clearThumbnailScrollingTimers(); // restart the mouse scrolling if (self.settings.thumbnailMouseScroll) startThumbnailMouseScroll(); } /** * This is called during the scrolling process */ function onThumbnailScrollProgress() { if (self.settings.thumbnailScrollbar && !isThumbnailScrollbarDragging) { var track = slider.find('.track'), thumb = track.find('.thumb'); positionProp = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top', sizeProp = self.settings.thumbnailOrientation == 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height', value = - getThumbnailsPosition() * (parseInt(track.css(sizeProp)) - parseInt(thumb.css(sizeProp))); if (value > 0) thumb.css(positionProp, value); } } /** * Returns a new array, with the slices ordered based on the specified pattern */ function getOrderedSlices(initialArray, pattern, horizontalSlices, verticalSlices) { var orderedArray = new Array(), i, j, k, l = 0; switch(pattern) { case 'randomPattern': var randomArray = new Array(); while(initialArray.length) { l = Math.floor(Math.random() * initialArray.length); randomArray.push(initialArray[l]); initialArray.splice(l, 1); } var n = randomArray.length; for(k = 0; k < n; k++) { orderedArray[k] = randomArray[k]; } break; case 'topToBottom': for(j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) for(i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } break; case 'bottomToTop': for (j = verticalSlices - 1; j >= 0; j--) for (i = horizontalSlices - 1; i >= 0; i--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } break; case 'rightToLeft': for (i = horizontalSlices - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (j = verticalSlices - 1; j >= 0; j--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } break; case 'leftToRight': for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) for( j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } break; case 'topLeftToBottomRight': for (k = 0; k < horizontalSlices + verticalSlices - 1; k++) { j = 0; for (i = k; i >= 0; i--){ if (getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j) != undefined) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } j++; } } break; case 'bottomLeftToTopRight': l = horizontalSlices > verticalSlices ? horizontalSlices : verticalSlices; for (k = horizontalSlices - 1; k >= 1 - l; k--) { i = 0; for (j = k; j <= horizontalSlices - 1; j++) { if (getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j) != undefined) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } i++; } } break; case 'topRightToBottomLeft': l = horizontalSlices > verticalSlices ? horizontalSlices : verticalSlices; for (k = horizontalSlices - 1; k >= 1 - l; k--) { i = k; for (j = 0; j <= verticalSlices - 1; j++) { if (getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j) != undefined) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } i++; } } break; case 'bottomRightToTopLeft': for (k = verticalSlices + horizontalSlices - 2; k >= 0; k--) { j = 0; for (i = k; i >= 0; i--) { if (getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j) != undefined) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } j++; } } break; case 'horizontalMarginToCenter': if (horizontalSlices % 2) { for (i = 0; i < Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2); i++) for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - 1 - i, j)); } for (k = 0; k < verticalSlices; k++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2), k)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2); i++) for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - 1 - i, j)); } } break; case 'horizontalCenterToMargin': if (horizontalSlices % 2) { for (k = 0; k < verticalSlices; k++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2), k)); } for (i = Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - 1 - i, j)); } } else { for (i = Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - 1 - i, j)); } } break; case 'verticalMarginToCenter': if (verticalSlices % 2) { for (j = 0; j < Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2); j++) for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - 1 - j)); } for (k = 0; k < horizontalSlices; k++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, k, Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2))); } } else { for (j = 0; j < Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2); j++) for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - 1 - j)); } } break; case 'verticalCenterToMargin': if (verticalSlices % 2) { for (k = 0; k < horizontalSlices; k++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, k, Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2))); } for (j = Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2) - 1; j >= 0; j--) for(i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - 1 - j)); } } else { for (j = Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2) - 1; j >= 0; j--) for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - 1 - j)); } } break; case 'skipOneTopToBottom': for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { for (i = l; i < horizontalSlices; i += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l==0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } l = 1; for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { for (i = l; i < horizontalSlices; i += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } break; case 'skipOneBottomToTop': for (j = verticalSlices-1; j >= 0; j--) { for (i = l; i < horizontalSlices; i += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } l = 1; for (j = verticalSlices - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for (i = l; i < horizontalSlices; i += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } break; case 'skipOneLeftToRight': for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { for (j = l; j < verticalSlices; j += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } l = 1; for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { for (j = l; j < verticalSlices; j += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } break; case 'skipOneRightToLeft': for (i = horizontalSlices - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (j = l; j < verticalSlices; j += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } l = 1; for (i = horizontalSlices - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (j = l; j < verticalSlices; j += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } break; case 'skipOneVertical': if (verticalSlices % 2) { for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { for (i = l; i < horizontalSlices; i += 2) { if (j == Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2)) { j++; for (k = 1 - (horizontalSlices % 2); k < horizontalSlices; k += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, k, Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2))); if (getSliceByPosition(initialArray, k - 1, Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2)) != undefined) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, k - 1, Math.floor(verticalSlices / 2))); } } } orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - j - 1)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } } else { for (j = 0; j < verticalSlices; j++) { for (i = l; i < horizontalSlices; i += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - j - 1)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } } break; case 'skipOneHorizontal': if (horizontalSlices % 2) { for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { for (j = l; j < verticalSlices; j += 2) { if (i == Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2)) { i++; for (k = 1 - (verticalSlices % 2); k < verticalSlices; k += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2), k)); if (getSliceByPosition(initialArray, Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2), k-1) != undefined) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, Math.floor(horizontalSlices / 2), k-1)); } } } orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - 1 - i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } } else { for (i = 0; i < horizontalSlices; i++) { for (j = l; j < verticalSlices; j += 2) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, j)); orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - 1 - i, j)); } l == 0 ? l = 1 : l = 0; } } break; case 'spiralMarginToCenterCW': var h = horizontalSlices, v = verticalSlices, r, a = 0, m = verticalSlices < horizontalSlices ? verticalSlices : horizontalSlices, n = Math.floor(m / 2); for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { for (i = a++; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, a - 1)); } h--; for (j = a; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - a, j)); } v--; for (k = h; k >= horizontalSlices - h; k--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, k - 1, v)); } for (l = v - 1; l>= verticalSlices - v; l--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, a - 1, l)); } } if (m % 2) { if (m == verticalSlices) { for (i = a++; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, a - 1)); } } if (m == horizontalSlices) { for (j = a++; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - a, j)); } } } break; case 'spiralMarginToCenterCCW': var h = horizontalSlices, v = verticalSlices, r, a = 0, m = verticalSlices < horizontalSlices ? verticalSlices : horizontalSlices, n = Math.floor(m / 2); for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { for (j = a++; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, a - 1, j)); } v--; for (i = a; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - a)); } h--; for (k = v; k >= verticalSlices - v; k--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, h, k - 1)); } for (l = h - 1; l >= horizontalSlices - h; l--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, l, a - 1)); } } if (m % 2) { if (m == verticalSlices) { for (i = a++; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - a)); } } if (m == horizontalSlices) { for (j = a++; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, a - 1, j)); } } } break; case 'spiralCenterToMarginCCW': var h = horizontalSlices, v = verticalSlices, r, a = 0, m = verticalSlices < horizontalSlices ? verticalSlices : horizontalSlices, n = Math.floor(m / 2); for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { for (i = a++; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, a - 1)); } h--; for (j = a; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - a, j)); } v--; for (k = h; k >= horizontalSlices - h; k--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, k - 1, v)); } for (l = v - 1; l>= verticalSlices - v; l--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, a - 1, l)); } } if (m % 2) { if (m == verticalSlices) { for (i = a++; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, a - 1)); } } if (m == horizontalSlices) { for (j = a++; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, horizontalSlices - a, j)); } } } orderedArray.reverse(); break; case 'spiralCenterToMarginCW': var h = horizontalSlices, v = verticalSlices, r, a = 0, m = verticalSlices < horizontalSlices ? verticalSlices : horizontalSlices, n = Math.floor(m / 2); for (r = 0; r < n; r++) { for (j = a++; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, a - 1, j)); } v--; for (i = a; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - a)); } h--; for (k = v; k >= verticalSlices - v; k--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, h, k - 1)); } for (l = h - 1; l >= horizontalSlices - h; l--) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, l, a - 1)); } } if (m % 2) { if (m == verticalSlices) { for (i = a++; i < h; i++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, i, verticalSlices - a)); } } if (m == horizontalSlices) { for (j = a++; j < v; j++) { orderedArray.push(getSliceByPosition(initialArray, a - 1, j)); } } } orderedArray.reverse(); break; default: var randomArray = new Array(); while(initialArray.length) { l = Math.floor(Math.random() * initialArray.length); randomArray.push(initialArray[l]); initialArray.splice(l, 1); } var n = randomArray.length; for(k = 0; k < n; k++) { orderedArray[k] = randomArray[k]; } } return orderedArray; } /** * Returns an element from the array, at the specified horizontal and vertical position */ function getSliceByPosition(array, hPos, vPos) { return $.grep(array, function(el){return (el.data('hPos') == hPos && el.data('vPos') == vPos)})[0]; } /** * Converts an hex string to RGB */ function hexToRGB(value) { var red = parseInt(value.substring(1, 3), 16), green = parseInt(value.substring(3, 5), 16), blue = parseInt(value.substring(5, 7), 16); return {red:red, green:green, blue:blue}; } // PUBLIC METHODS this.nextSlide = nextSlide; this.previousSlide = previousSlide; this.gotoSlide = gotoSlide; this.startSlideshow = function() { slider.find('.slideshow-controls').removeClass('play').addClass('pause'); slideshowState = 'play'; startSlideshow(); } this.stopSlideshow = function() { slider.find('.slideshow-controls').removeClass('pause').addClass('play'); slideshowState = 'stop'; stopSlideshow(); } this.getSlideshowState = function() { return slideshowState; } this.pauseSlideshow = function() { if (self.settings.slideshow && slideshowState != 'stop' && !isTransition) pauseSlideshow(); } this.resumeSlideshow = function() { if (self.settings.slideshow && slideshowState != 'stop' && !isTransition) resumeSlideshow(); } this.getCurrentIndex = function() { return currentIndex; } this.getSlideAt = function(index) { return slides[index]; } this.isTransition = function() { return isTransition; } this.totalSlides = function() { return slides.length; } this.destroy = function() { this.stopSlideshow(); clearThumbnailScrollingTimers(); $(document).unbind('mousemove'); $(document).unbind('mousemove.tooltip'); } } $.fn.advancedSlider = function(options) { var collection = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (!this[i].slider) this[i].slider = new AdvancedSlider(this[i], options); collection.push(this[i].slider); } // if there are more slider instances, return the array of sliders // it there is only one, return just the slide instance return collection.length > 1 ? collection : collection[0]; } // default settings $.fn.advancedSlider.defaults = { xmlSource:null, width:500, height:300, skin:'pixel', scrollbarSkin:'scrollbar-1', alignType:'leftTop', skipBroken:true, slideshow:true, slideshowDelay:5000, slideshowDirection:'next', slideshowControls:true, fadeSlideshowControls:true, slideshowControlsShowDuration:500, slideshowControlsHideDuration:500, pauseSlideshowOnHover:true, lightbox:false, lightboxDefaultWidth:500, lightboxDefaultHeight:300, lightboxTheme:'pp_default', lightboxOpacity:0.8, lightboxNavigation:true, fadePreviousSlide:false, fadePreviousSlideDuration:300, overrideTransition:false, shadow:true, timerAnimation:true, timerFadeDuration:500, fadeTimer:false, timerRadius:18, timerStrokeColor1:'#000000', timerStrokeColor2:'#FFFFFF', timerStrokeOpacity1:0.5, timerStrokeOpacity2:0.7, timerStrokeWidth1:8, timerStrokeWidth2:4, slideStart:0, slidesPreloaded:3, shuffle:false, htmlDuringTransition:true, effectType:'random', simpleSlideDirection:'autoHorizontal', simpleSlideDuration:700, simpleSlideEasing:'swing', sliceDelay:50, sliceDuration:1000, sliceEasing:'swing', horizontalSlices:5, verticalSlices:3, slicePattern:'random', slicePoint:'centerCenter', slideStartPosition:'left', slideStartRatio:1, sliceFade:true, navigationArrows:true, fadeNavigationArrows:true, navigationArrowsShowDuration:500, navigationArrowsHideDuration:500, navigationButtons:true, navigationButtonsNumbers:false, fadeNavigationButtons:false, navigationButtonsShowDuration:500, navigationButtonsHideDuration:500, navigationButtonsCenter:true, navigationButtonsContainerCenter:true, thumbnailsType:'yes', thumbnailWidth:80, thumbnailHeight:50, thumbnailSlideAmount:10, thumbnailSlideDuration:300, thumbnailSlideEasing:'swing', fadeNavigationThumbnails:false, navigationThumbnailsCenter:true, thumbnailScrollDuration:1000, thumbnailScrollEasing:'swing', visibleThumbnails:5, thumbnailOrientation:'horizontal', thumbnailTooltip:false, tooltipShowDuration:300, tooltipHideDuration:300, thumbnailCaptionPosition:'bottom', hideThumbnailCaption:true, thumbnailCaptionEffect:'slide', thumbnailCaptionShowDuration:500, thumbnailCaptionHideDuration:500, thumbnailCaptionEasing:'swing', thumbnailScrollbar:false, thumbnailButtons:false, thumbnailArrows:true, fadeThumbnailButtons:false, fadeThumbnailArrows:false, fadeThumbnailScrollbar:false, scrollbarArrowScrollAmount:100, navigationThumbnailsHideDuration:500, navigationThumbnailsShowDuration:500, thumbnailArrowsHideDuration:500, thumbnailArrowsShowDuration:500, thumbnailButtonsHideDuration:500, thumbnailButtonsShowDuration:500, thumbnailScrollbarHideDuration:500, thumbnailScrollbarShowDuration:500, thumbnailSync:false, thumbnailMouseScroll:false, thumbnailMouseScrollEase:90, thumbnailMouseScrollSpeed:10, thumbnailMouseWheel:false, thumbnailMouseWheelSpeed:20, thumbnailMouseWheelReverse:false, thumbnailScrollbarEase:10, hideCaption:false, captionSize:70, captionBackgroundOpacity:0.5, captionBackgroundColor:'#000000', captionShowEffect:'slide', captionShowEffectDuration:500, captionShowEffectEasing:'swing', captionShowSlideDirection:'auto', captionHideEffect:'fade', captionHideEffectDuration:300, captionHideEffectEasing:'swing', captionHideSlideDirection:'auto', captionPosition:'bottom', captionLeft:50, captionTop:50, captionWidth:300, captionHeight:100, slideProperties:null, slideMask:false, linkTarget:'_blank', slideOpen:null, slideClick:null, slideMouseOver:null, slideMouseOut:null, transitionStart:null, transitionComplete:null }; })(jQuery)/* * jQuery Easing v1.3 - http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/ * * Uses the built in easing capabilities added In jQuery 1.1 * to offer multiple easing options * * TERMS OF USE - jQuery Easing * * Open source under the BSD License. * * Copyright © 2008 George McGinley Smith * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // t: current time, b: begInnIng value, c: change In value, d: duration jQuery.easing['jswing'] = jQuery.easing['swing']; jQuery.extend( jQuery.easing, { def: 'easeOutQuad', swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) { //alert(jQuery.easing.default); return jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d); }, easeInQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c*(t/=d)*t + b; }, easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b; }, easeInOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t + b; return -c/2 * ((--t)*(t-2) - 1) + b; }, easeInCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c*(t/=d)*t*t + b; }, easeOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b; }, easeInOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b; }, easeInQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t + b; }, easeOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b; }, easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b; return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b; }, easeInQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t*t + b; }, easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t + 1) + b; }, easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2) + b; }, easeInSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * Math.cos(t/d * (Math.PI/2)) + c + b; }, easeOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sin(t/d * (Math.PI/2)) + b; }, easeInOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c/2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI*t/d) - 1) + b; }, easeInExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return (t==0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t/d - 1)) + b; }, easeOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return (t==d) ? b+c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t/d) + 1) + b; }, easeInOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if (t==0) return b; if (t==d) return b+c; if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b; return c/2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b; }, easeInCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t/=d)*t) - 1) + b; }, easeOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t=t/d-1)*t) + b; }, easeInOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return -c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t*t) - 1) + b; return c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t-=2)*t) + 1) + b; }, easeInElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c; if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*.3; if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; } else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a); return -(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b; }, easeOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c; if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d)==1) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*.3; if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; } else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a); return a*Math.pow(2,-10*t) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p ) + c + b; }, easeInOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { var s=1.70158;var p=0;var a=c; if (t==0) return b; if ((t/=d/2)==2) return b+c; if (!p) p=d*(.3*1.5); if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a=c; var s=p/4; } else var s = p/(2*Math.PI) * Math.asin (c/a); if (t < 1) return -.5*(a*Math.pow(2,10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )) + b; return a*Math.pow(2,-10*(t-=1)) * Math.sin( (t*d-s)*(2*Math.PI)/p )*.5 + c + b; }, easeInBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c*(t/=d)*t*((s+1)*t - s) + b; }, easeOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b; }, easeInOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)) + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2) + b; }, easeInBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c - jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce (x, d-t, 0, c, d) + b; }, easeOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d) < (1/2.75)) { return c*(7.5625*t*t) + b; } else if (t < (2/2.75)) { return c*(7.5625*(t-=(1.5/2.75))*t + .75) + b; } else if (t < (2.5/2.75)) { return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.25/2.75))*t + .9375) + b; } else { return c*(7.5625*(t-=(2.625/2.75))*t + .984375) + b; } }, easeInOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if (t < d/2) return jQuery.easing.easeInBounce (x, t*2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b; return jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce (x, t*2-d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c*.5 + b; } }); /* * * TERMS OF USE - EASING EQUATIONS * * Open source under the BSD License. * * Copyright © 2001 Robert Penner * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *//* Copyright (c) 2010 Brandon Aaron (http://brandonaaron.net) * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). * * Thanks to: http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ for some pointers. * Thanks to: Mathias Bank(http://www.mathias-bank.de) for a scope bug fix. * Thanks to: Seamus Leahy for adding deltaX and deltaY * * Version: 3.0.4 * * Requires: 1.2.2+ */ (function(c){var a=["DOMMouseScroll","mousewheel"];c.event.special.mousewheel={setup:function(){if(this.addEventListener){for(var d=a.length;d;){this.addEventListener(a[--d],b,false)}}else{this.onmousewheel=b}},teardown:function(){if(this.removeEventListener){for(var d=a.length;d;){this.removeEventListener(a[--d],b,false)}}else{this.onmousewheel=null}}};c.fn.extend({mousewheel:function(d){return d?this.bind("mousewheel",d):this.trigger("mousewheel")},unmousewheel:function(d){return this.unbind("mousewheel",d)}});function b(i){var g=i||window.event,f=[].slice.call(arguments,1),j=0,h=true,e=0,d=0;i=c.event.fix(g);i.type="mousewheel";if(i.wheelDelta){j=i.wheelDelta/120}if(i.detail){j=-i.detail/3}d=j;if(g.axis!==undefined&&g.axis===g.HORIZONTAL_AXIS){d=0;e=-1*j}if(g.wheelDeltaY!==undefined){d=g.wheelDeltaY/120}if(g.wheelDeltaX!==undefined){e=-1*g.wheelDeltaX/120}f.unshift(i,j,e,d);return c.event.handle.apply(this,f)}})(jQuery);